I was just dicking around with a couple tricks I picked up a few days ago, and the new monitor which is much nicer than the built-in I've been using. Figured I'd put some words to it.
Cyclops is furking amazing. He gets a lot of hate because he's been... misrepresented in his media appearances. I don't know much about him pre-M-Day, but since then he's taken every threat to mutant kind and bitch-slapped them into their place, going so far as to take charge of Magneto and Namor, two of the biggest power-houses and long-running leaders of men. He stood up to the leaders of the free world, told them to get out of his way, and when they didn't he moved them. He became what he needed to be to save Mutantkind and in many ways is the reason there are still Mutants in the Marvel Universe.
But one day he made a bad call, and when the dust settled he'd killed Charles Xavier... and won. That's what Bendis's run on both All-New X-men and Uncanny X-men deal with, Cyclops falling from grace and trying to keep doing what he's been doing. Save the world, protect the mutants. Something that I've loved about the X-men is that it has always been about making the world a better place, something that most Avengers or Justice League stories can't say. Cyclops is finished trying to change hearts and minds, he has a people to protect.