
Thursday, 28 June 2012

Rocket. Raccoon.

There's a lot of chatter about a Guardians of the Galaxy movie being announced. This would be a big step on Marvel's part, being that their most fantastical film element (Thor) has just barely been in there, what with Thor being on Earth most of the time, only fighting on two alien worlds, if you count both Jotunheim and the Loki fight in Asgard (Spoiler, Loki's a douche). Something like Guardians of the Galaxy shouldn't take place on Earth, with maybe the exception of a Nova origin, and I personally can't wait to have the wider Marvel Universe explored.

But all that pales to one important, fantastic point in two words. Rocket. Raccoon. I think I'm going to draw him and Molly Hayes going at it. The Runaways movie never should have been canned...

I'm rambling. Rocket Raccoon.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Blind Spot

Well, here's a Spider-man piece. For some reason I enjoy drawing him eating while his villains try and kill him. Seems to fit.

If you don't know Spidey's origin you should leave. Gets powers from a radioactive Spider bite, winds up being responsible for his uncle's death due to inaction and swears to never let that happen again, taking his uncle's teaching of "with great power must come great responsibility" to heart. Right now he's a scientist working for Horizon Labs, on the Avengers, on the Future Foundation last I looked in (A while ago), and if there's something else I've forgotten.

I know very little of the Rhino. He was a Russian mercenary, I think. But what I do know is that he hung up the Rhino suit a while back to settle down, be happy, with the woman he loved. Which went about as horribly as you'd expect. She died, he brutally murdered the killer (a new "Rhino") now he's a cold monster of a man. I should re-read that story arc...